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January 26, 2010

Neil Soiland's The Fall of Reality

The whole gang here at CTV (Cinema Thought Vomit. yeah, we're hip with acronyms, stfu!)
and some other friends, have begun work on a new project for a good friend of ours, Neil Soiland.

Neil Soiland's The Fall of Reality is a film that is claimed to be (by Neil himself) very controversial.
I, myself, am lead director of cinematography on this film, and Edgar has one of the lead roles!
I would go into further detail on the 'controversialness' of the film, but i fear leaking too much of the plot itself.
I also do not know enough of the film to conjure up a synopsis that would suffice and/or do it any justice.

Just last night we filmed a couple scenes at a local home here in Angwin.
Needless to say it went groovingly, regardless of a few microphone hiccups along the way.
We have no stills or preview video to show you of that magical night.
(it really was quite magical, so much damn fog last night, couldn't see anything!)
Just stay tuned for more information on The Fall of Reality!

(also: hit the jump for another Soiland short, Nexus of Understanding)

Yeah that's right, I did the cinematography for this one too!

Michael Castellanos!

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